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아츠유우 아츠유우 아츠유우 이제 아니죠 아와유 ^^ ^^^^^^

아와 유

Tamori: Is there anything you want to say to Maeda?

Yuko: There is! When Acchan obtained her driver’s license one year ago, she said I would be the first to ride on her car. A year had past since then but she still hasn’t given me a ride!

Acchan: It’s alright, I haven’t let anyone onto my car up till now. I’m not driving.

Yuko: It’s just a ‘paper’ license then w

Acchan: So if you’re still willing to ride go ahead (^_^)

Tamori: You aren’t good at driving huh? 

Acchan: Yesss, I don’t know how to park~

돈자야 주차연습 많이 했쟈나... 오키나와 sp에서... ^^

처음 태워주기로 한 사람이 유코라니 ^^^

우쮸쮸 그런 약속을 했었어요?? ^^^^ 

어..눈에서..물이 나오네...ㄴ

너무 좋아서 눈물이 그만..^ T

너무 좋아서 말이 안나옴

심폐소생술 과하게 받음


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